National Quality Standard (NQS)

Expand your ECEC career prospects by learning, understanding, and becoming familiar with the seven quality areas of the ACECQA National Quality Standards (NQS)...

The National Quality Standard (NQS) is a set of quality standards that all early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in Australia must meet. The NQS forms a vital part of the National Quality Framework (NQF) overseen by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

The NQS consists of 7 quality areas and 18 standards. The 7 quality areas are:

  1. Educational program and practice
  2. Children’s health and safety
  3. Physical environment
  4. Staffing arrangements
  5. Relationships with children
  6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  7. Governance and leadership

The NQS ensures that all ECEC services in Australia provide high-quality care and education to children. It provides a framework for ECEC services to continuously improve their practices and meet the needs of children and families in their care.

View: National Quality Standard