Early Learning Matters Week 2023: Embracing “Learning through Connection”

Join Early Learning Matters Week 2023 from July 24th to 28th and embrace the theme "Learning through Connection". Learn about the objectives and how to get involved. Register your event, spread the word, engage families, and support early childhood services!

Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in shaping the foundation of a child’s learning, development, and overall well-being. Recognising the significance of this crucial stage, Early Childhood Australia organises the annual nationwide event called Early Learning Matters Week. The event aims to raise awareness and understand the importance of early learning. This year, the event takes place from 24th to 28th July 2023, with the theme “Learning through Connection.” In this blog, we will explore the highlights of this event, its objectives, and how you can get involved.

Embracing “Learning through Connection”

The theme for Early Learning Matters Week 2023, “Learning through Connection”, highlights the significance of connection, belonging, and collaboration within early learning settings and the wider community, especially in the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures, and their contributions to learning. The weeklong celebration aims to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of early learning and its positive impact on children’s education, development, and well-being.

Objectives of Early Learning Matters Week

Early Learning Matters Week serves a crucial purpose in acknowledging and elevating the profile of early childhood education and care in children’s development and well-being. By highlighting the importance of high-quality early learning experiences, the event aims to:

  1. Raise Awareness: The Week aims to increase awareness among parents, caregivers, and community leaders about the critical role early learning plays in a child’s development.
  2. Advocate for Early Childhood Education: The event strives to advocate for high-quality early education and care services and their positive impact on children’s long-term well-being and achievement.
  3. Promote Connection: The theme “Learning through Connection” emphasises the significance of fostering connections within early learning settings and the wider community, promoting collaboration and a sense of belonging.
  4. Celebrate Play-Based Learning: Early Learning Matters Week underscores the power of play-based learning as a fundamental approach to supporting children’s learning and growth.

How to Get Involved

Early Learning Matters Week encourages the participation of early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and community leaders across Australia. There are various ways you can get involved and contribute to this important cause:

  1. Register Your Event: If you are an early childhood service provider or part of a community organisation, you can organise events, workshops, or activities that highlight the importance of early learning. Register your event on the Early Learning Matters website to showcase your involvement.
  2. Spread the Word: Help raise awareness by sharing information about Early Learning Matters Week on social media platforms. Use the official event hashtag and encourage others to join the conversation.
  3. Engage Families: Parents and caregivers play a vital role in a child’s early learning journey. Share resources and information with families about the benefits of early education and encourage their participation in events and activities.
  4. Support Early Childhood Services: Consider donating or volunteering at a local early childhood education and care service to support their efforts in providing quality education to young children.


  1. To learn more, visit: Early Learning Matters website.
  2. To register for your event: Early Learning Matters – Register Now
  3. To view event resources: Early Learning Matters – Resources
  4. Event Hashtags: #EarlyLearningMatters #LearningThroughConnection

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